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Numerology: Life Path 6 - TEACHERS

Ben Affleck, Jessica Alba, Victoria Beckham, Jason Biggs, Clint Black, Matthew Broderick, Mel Brooks, George W Bush, Michael Caine, Neve Campbell, Drew Carey, Paula Cole, Francis Ford Coppola, Claire Danes, Robert DeNiro, Melissa Etheridge, Calista Flockhart, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kathie Lee Gifford, Geri Halliwell, Goldie Hawn, Salma Hayek, Jon Heder, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Stephen King, Greg Kinnear, Ted Koppel, Heather Locklear, Lindsay Lohan, Elle Macpherson, Bill Maher, Frances McDormand, Reba McEntire, Eddie Murphy, Edward Norton, Rosie ODonnell, Bill Paxton, Bonnie Raitt, Jane Seymour, Sinbad, Christian Slater, Mira Sorvino, Sylvester Stallone, Meryl Streep, John Tesh, Ted Turner, Steven Tyler, Bruce Willis...

Life path number 6 is the symbol of the planet Venus, the second planet from the Sun. Venus has slow and retrograde rotation in the opposite sense of the Earth and all other planets except Uranus. This planet is visible from Earth as "the morning star" or "the evening star."

People whose life path is in number 6 can achieve inner harmony. They are humane and have a sense for esthetics. They are spirited and they feel love for their family, nature and the world. They are charming, clever and kind people who shine with warmth and beauty. Their life path does not depend so much on them as it does on their destiny. Their partners usually choose them and they are devoted to their family, often too much. They also respect their friends.

They are friendly and sociable. They are very caring and understanding regarding their family. They are also devoted to their parents and their home. They completely trust their family and friends.

They are amusing, attractive and gentle. They enjoy luxury and they easily attract the people of the opposite sex who love and respect them. They like to spend money and to be with their friends and to travel.

They are narcissistic and they take great care of their physical look. They do not like ugliness and negligence. They like to live in a clean place.

They love their children, marriage partners and people around them. They are always ready to compromise and to avoid fight.

They are not lazy but they like to work slowly. They always think before they act or say something. They like peace and they do not like others to interfere in their life and work. They are sociable but they do not have too many friends.

They are indecisive and they like freedom. They are very fortunate and it seems that they have the protection of a guardian angel. They are confidential and they never reveal secrets.

Men and women with life path number 6 are different.

Men are attractive and charismatic and they attract women easily. They like to be with beautiful and attractive women. They are prone to adultery even if they are married. They are concerned with material things and pleasures and they are liable to venereal diseases.

Women are beautiful, kind and they have a refined taste. They are capable of deep love and they like sexual pleasures. However, they become tired of some excitements after some time. They like clever people who are artistic and spiritual.

These people are joyful, amusing, charming, warm, positive, artistic, devoted, attractive, sensual, responsible, helpful, selfless and sentimental.

If they experience bad things, they may be lazy, neglectful, hedonistic, immoral, nervous, naive, dependent, anxious, passive, vicious.


They should take care of the way they evaluate others. They are not capable of doing demanding physical jobs since their body is fragile. They have to avoid love affairs and they need to take care of the food they eat. They must be more active and they can walk more in nature, go to massage and be more economical.

They should work on their life goals on the 6th, 15th and 24th in a month. Their lucky days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Their favourite colours are blue and pink.


They are diligent and disciplined who are not lucky in their family life because they make wrong choices and pass through bad experiences. They often find escape in hard work. They will have material problems and they will need a lot of effort to solve them.Read More

Famous Life Path (1) Leaders
Famous Life Path (2) Cooperators
Famous Life Path (3) Entertainers
Famous Life Path (4) Builders
Famous Life Path (5) Sellers
Famous Life Path (6) Teachers
Famous Life Path (7) Loners
Famous Life Path (8) Warriors
Famous Life Path (9) Humanitarians

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